This program develops students' non-calculator skills by generating numeracy questions according to the user's choice of topic, complexity and phrasing, from a database of over 1200 distinct types of problems.
This 'Non-Calculator' Challenge provides comprehensive coverage of all basic operations and calculations involving integers, fractions, decimals and percentages. There is ample opportunity for students to work at their own level of competence and confidence and progress at their own rate. The scoring system and timing options support individual target setting.
Questions on either specific topics or a mixture of topics can be generated.
Uses a database of 442 Integer, 356 Decimal, 200 Percentage and 240 Fraction question levels.
Select difficulty against Scottish 5-14 levels, SQA Standard Grade levels or individual level number.
Choice to be presented with questions either in random difficulty order, or progressively difficult.
Choice of questions to be presented in a variety of formats, including "traditional" visual layouts as well as using phrases such as "sum", "product", etc
Choice of whether to have responses timed, with a mean completion time calculated at the end.
Where questions are repeatedly answered incorrectly, the user is advised by the program to seek help from the teacher. In addition, at the end, students must go back and do their corrections to enforce and consolidate successful strategies.
Use of "pretty print" fraction display along with the expectation of fractional answers to be entered in their simplest form.
Full teacher support notes, OHP Display Acetate and Student Recording Grid.