Number Grids helps students become more proficient in their addition, subtraction and multiplication number bonds of integers.
This program provides an interactive environment for the consolidation of basic number bonds and of problem solving using these bonds. Using the standard "multiplication grid" template, the user is challenged to complete the grid in a number of ways, based upon the options they choose.
Users can choose to only have the column and row headings shown and they must complete the rest of the grid.
Users can choose to have the grid completed for all cells except the row and column headings, which they must correctly identify.
Users can opt to only have a selection of cells' contents shown and they must complete either part or all of the remaining grid cells.
Users can select the ranges of numbers in the grid headings: either 2 to 9, 5 to 15, 11 to 29 or -9 to 9.
The grid headings can be in strict consecutive order, in arithmetic progression or in random order.
The grid size can be set to 3x3, 4x4 or 5x5.
The speed of completion of the grid, as well as the number of mistakes made are both recorded, to assist with individual target setting.
Full teacher notes include suggested uses in lessons